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Chinese PCB enterprises how to do bigger and stronger under

Date: 2017-08-02
Views: 15
In recent years, the PCB industry has become a global industry, the world has more than 2800 printed circuit board production enterprises, the scale has more than 50 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for more than the total output value of the electronic component industry is 1/4, the whole industry in the largest proportion, and a rising trend, is the main pillar of the future development of electronic component industry. But by 2008 the outbreak of the international financial crisis and the debt crisis in 2012 and other markets, the global PCB industry through a difficult period, with the rise of mobile phone, tablet computer, green station and other electronic terminal industry, the global PCB Industry Center for further transfer to the Asian region, we will usher in a new development opportunity, but because the cost and market advantages gradually narrowed, the domestic PCB enterprises will face more fierce competition in the market, how can we survive in the fierce competition to seize the opportunity to become bigger and stronger?
< one, PCB industry status quo
1, the global PCB development situation analysis
According to the statistics of world famous PCB market analysis firm Prismark show that in 2010 the global PCB total value of $52 billion 468 million, compared to 27.3% growth in 2009; PCB 2011 total output value of $55 billion 409 million, an increase of 5.61% compared to 2010; PCB 2012 total output value of $54 billion 310 million, the growth rate of -1.98%; in 2013 the global PCB output value of $54 billion 890 million, an increase of 1.07% compared to 2012. Specific as shown in Figure 2, figure 1. Affected by the global economic crisis, the global PCB industry downturn in the valley, 2012 or even negative growth, but with the 2013 consumer market back to temperature, again began to flip through the total output value of PCB in 2012~2013, we can see that the PCB value increase has stabilized, but it is difficult to grow quickly, estimated in 2014 still continued growth of small amplitude.
2, China's PCB development situation analysis
According to Prismark statistics, from the beginning of 2006, China surpassed Japan to become the world's largest and fastest growing PCB manufacturing base, and has become the main driving force to promote the development of the global PCB industry. In 2010, Chinese, PCB output value reached 19 billion 990 million U.S. dollars, accounting for 38.1% of the total output value of the global PCB, an increase of 29.8%; the output value in 2011 reached $22 billion 29 million, accounting for 39.76% of the total output value of the global PCB, an increase of 10.2%; the 2012 value of $21 billion 636 million, accounting for 39.84% of the total output value of the global PCB, representing a growth rate of -1.78%.
According to Prismark forecast, in 2013 China's PCB output value of 23 billion 100 million U.S. dollars, in 2017 China's PCB output value will reach 28 billion 972 million U.S. dollars, accounting for 44.13% of the world's total output value. Specific as shown in Figure 3, figure 4, figure 5.
Effect of PCB value, China serious is also affected by the economic crisis, the original rapid growth momentum of development not only by the choke, and even fell to negative. It can be said that the development of China's PCB industry in the past ten years has been the hardest hit. But relatively speaking, the average annual compound annual growth rate of China's PCB output from 2012 to 2010 was 12.77%, higher than the global growth rate; meanwhile, China's total output value of PCB in the world is still in a rising trend.
Two, PCB enterprise development opportunities
From a global perspective, in 2013 the global electronic products for $19910, compared to 2012 growth rate of 4.3%, computer, communications and consumer electronics accounted for to the 2/3 market, the product output growth rate of slow recovery. According to the analysis and prediction of Prismark, the average annual growth rate of 2012 to 2017 is 4.4%, and the output value of the global electronic machine products will reach 23690 in 2017. It can be predicted that, under the pull of the electronics industry, the next few years, the global PCB market trends will continue to grow steadily. From the analysis, with the Chinese 3C industry continue to expand, the rise of intelligent mobile phone, tablet computer, green station and other electronic terminal, and the center of the global mobile telecommunications market such as the electronics industry continues to offset from Western markets to the Asian market, the China PCB produced a powerful driving force: PCB industry will Chinese in the year to get rid of previous three consecutive years of low growth, low bid farewell to the PCB industry development. Prismark predicts that the next 5 years China's PCB industry will maintain a rapid growth, in 2017 China's PCB output will reach $44.1%, accounting for 29 billion of the global PCB production value (see Figure 3, figure 5). < /p>
Three, the domestic PCB enterprises how to do bigger and stronger
In order to actively respond to the needs of the development of intelligent mobile phone, tablet computer, green station and other electronic terminal the rise of downstream products, PCB industry gradually to the high density, high integration, fine lines, small aperture, large capacity, light in the direction of development, technological content and complexity increasing, market competition will become more intense. And the domestic PCB enterprises in the survival of the foundation, how to do bigger and stronger it?
1, the domestic PCB enterprises need to upgrade
In recent years, with the gradual weakening of China market potential and low production cost and other advantages, and countries in transition from the "world manufacturing center" as the "world market" future development policies, development of domestic PCB enterprises have to face the problem of transformation and upgrading. Compared with Europe, Japan and other countries, the domestic PCB enterprise's weakness lies in the main aspects of technology, quality and scale, which will severely restrict the domestic PCB enterprises in the next period of a new round of development of the industry market competitiveness. Among them, the production enterprises such as HDI, PCB etc. in the flexible plate material, the breakthrough point is to improve the quality of products, production scale, focuses on the introduction of automation intelligent production, such as the purchase of their strong machine, ultraviolet (UV) laser cutting machine, ultraviolet (UV) laser drilling machine, automatic cutting dust-free prepreg machines and other production equipment to improve production efficiency; at the same time, to strengthen and improve the product testing, such as the purchase of the characteristic impedance, ion.
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